We Provide Precision Injection Mold Services

We Provide Precision Injection Mold Services

Yun Industrial uses a mold flow program to conform with the cost and the formation appraisal, in view of product formation principle, injection molding process, plastic material database, plastic material’s choice and the material attribute.  We have many different types of operating software, such as Pro-E, Solidworks, Auto Cad to create what is needed for your project.

Injection molding is most typically used in mass-production processes where the same part is being created thousands or even millions of times in succession.  It is a manufacturing process for producing parts in large volume.

Why Use Injection Molding:

The main advantage of injection molding is the ability to create a product in mass quantities.  Once you have paid the initial up-front costs, the price per unit is very low.  The more parts you have produced at the same time, the lower the cost is overall.

  • Injection Molding produces low scrap rates
    • Unlike the traditional manufacturing processes like CNC machining, which has more scraps from the cut away plastic.
  • Injection Molding is very repeatable.
    • You can count on every piece being almost identical to the first one produced. Once you run a test and you get the results you are looking for, we can duplicate that part identically as many times as you want. This is a great characteristic for creating brand consistency and part reliability in high volume production.

There is a small downside to injection molding.  Sometimes the up-front cost can be a little extra out of pocket at first due to the design process, testing, and tooling requirements.  You always want to make sure you get the design right the first time if you are going to start making parts in high volumes, which can be a little more complicated than you might think.

Whether you are looking for one injection molding part or high volume, YUN Industrial ACME PCB Assembly has the expertise to design, manufacture and deliver plastic injection molding parts to your specifications on-time, every time.

A Few Basic Examples of Injection Molding:Resin used for Injection Molding Color

  • Remote Control Casing
  • Drill Casing
  • All Casings to products
  • Most plastic toys
  • LEGO’s
  • Soles of shoes
  • Most plastic parts for machines
  • And many more…