Taking Proper Care of Your Electronic Instruments in Extreme Heat

Blank printed circuit boards

Summer is here, and as we begin to crank up the AC, it is important to remember that your electronic parts and products could be in danger as well, especially if they operate (or are left) in extremely hot or extremely cold environments. Just imagine what would happen to a phone left inside a car … Read moreTaking Proper Care of Your Electronic Instruments in Extreme Heat

14001:2005 Certification to Awarded Acme PCB Assembly

QAS International Certificate

14001:2005 Certification to Awarded  Acme PCB Assembly The International Organization of Standardization (ISO) defines an environmental management system as “part of the management system used to manage environmental aspects, fulfil compliance obligations, and address risks and opportunities.” The framework in the ISO 14001 standard can be used within a plan-do-check-act (PDCA) approach to continuous improvement.  http://asq.org/learn-about-quality/learn-about-standards/iso-14001/ What topics … Read more14001:2005 Certification to Awarded Acme PCB Assembly

Is Your EMS Provider Experienced Enough?

Through-hole technology

Is Your EMS Provider Experienced Enough? Working with a new, unproven vendor is a big risk. Essentially, you will be their guinea pig, helping them to work out all the kinks in their system. That’s a great opportunity for them, but not so much for you! That’s why it is so important to know how … Read moreIs Your EMS Provider Experienced Enough?