Circuits: Newer Doesn’t Always Mean More Expensive

Circuits: Newer Doesn’t Always Mean More Expensive

Circuits: Newer Doesn’t Always Mean More Expensive

A lot of us assume that when a new technology or new model comes out on the market that it will be more expensive than the previous version, especially if it offers more capabilities. While this might be true for automobiles and cell phones, it’s not true for flexible circuits.

Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) assembly offers unique time and cost savings to customers. The top circuit board providers, like Yun Industries have developed highly automated systems that save time and result in a lower price point for customers. These automated systems also dramatically lower the risk of a production error. This can save huge amounts of time, as flex circuit board providers don’t have to re-do runs or build in extra costs related to errors in their price quotes.

We provide a complete suite of PCB services, including rework and modification, BGA, SMT, Turnkey, Thru-Hole, Lead Free, and Prototype assembly, plus an extensive line of add-on services, such as Injection Molding and Metal Work & Finishing.

All of this means that you as the client, win! If you’ve hesitated to try  printed circuits in your products due to a fear of high costs, give us a call today.

We’d love to give you a quote, and we are confident that you will be surprised at just how affordable Printed circuit boards can be.