Understanding Turnkey PCB Assembly Service

Understanding Turnkey PCB Assembly Service

Understanding Turnkey PCB Assembly Service

At Yun Industrial and ACME PCB Assembly, we offer printed circuit board turn-key assembly. What does this actually mean? In the past, if you needed a vendor to create printed circuit boards for your products, the process was long, harrowing, and expensive. Oftentimes, you had to work with multiple vendors, track down hard-to-find components, and put in huge orders just so a vendor wouldn’t laugh you out the door.

printed circuit board turn-key assemblyThen came printed circuit board turn-key assembly. This process uses cloud-based software to make PCB ordering and assembly so much easier. Now, you can upload your design files right to one single vendor. The vendor will be able to quickly provide you a quote and then complete your entire job.

Printed circuit board turn-key assembly cuts down on costs and makes it possible for companies like Yun Industrial and ACME PCB Assembly to accept small orders and to create prototypes. This is good news for small businesses and startups. Best of all, you can log into our online system to track the progress of your order instead of waiting weeks or months in the dark like you did in the past!

Yun Industrial can handle your prototype board build by hand from 1 piece though 50 pieces. Yun Industrial PCB Assembly Services can also handle your prototype PCB assembly from 1 piece prototype to 10,000 pieces production run through our FUJI SMT pick and place line.

If you’ve never tried turnkey PCB assembly services, now is the time! Give us a call today.